Feature in LensCulture | Magazine

“Before the invention of digital photography and camera phones—and even before the invention of early snapshot cameras—when people wanted their photo taken, they went to a studio specialized in portraiture. Photographers trained in the science of exposing, developing and fixing an image owned full-fledged businesses, where they constructed settings and scenarios with props and concentrated lighting. Having your photograph taken at a studio also meant the development and selection of your surrounding materials, so that each memorable feature was preserved along with you in the final print.”

Cat Lachowskyj ~ LensCulture

I’m honored to be featured in LensCulture’s magazine. They are a contemporary platform with their fingers on the pulse in the photography world. Their magazine and competitions expose both new international talent and established photographers. They’ve been my go to for inspiration for personal projects and their articles highlight some of the most original ideas in photography today.

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